Angkor Wat Gate of Angkor Thom Sunset at Angkor Wat Kai Island, Phuket Hong Kong Bangkok City Floating Market, Bangkok

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Bamboo Island (Koh Russei)

A few days on Bamboo Island, off Sihanoukville's coast, comes highly recommended. The boat ride takes about half an hour and once there you will find that only about 30 people live on the island. On its north-facing crescent beach Bamboo Island has three bungalow resorts, two restaurants and two bars and is very, very laid back. Unlike on the more frenetic mainland, there are no hawkers and the bungalows are right on the casuarinas-lined beach itself.

There are a few day-trippers but come nightfall the island is practically deserted. Electricity is provided by two generators for the early hours of the evening but after that it's back to the moon and the stars for light. 

You won't find TV or internet or even roads on Bamboo Island but what you will find is warm, blue, crystal-clear water, perfect for swimming, soft golden sandy beaches, lush natural surroundings, and a lot of peace and tranquility that you won’t come across in many other so-called ‘relaxed’ destinations. This is serenity at its best.

You’ll find footpaths throughout the island, so you can explore the jungle covered interior. There is a volleyball net on the beach. 

How to get there: A ferry departs from Ochheuteal Beach at 10:00 and departs from the island at 16:00 the traverse takes roughly 45 minutes.


About Unknown -

My name is Hong, 25 years old. I come from Kampong Cham provice, Cambodia. I created this blog to show about tourist sites around the world, especially tourism attractions of Cambodia, the kingdom of wonder.I hope you will enjoy reading and explore your real destination in future.

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